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How To Replace Your CPAP, APAP or BiPAP Machine in Ontario through ADP (Assistive Devices Program)

How to Replace a CPAP Machine in Ontario Through the Assistive Devices Program (ADP)


A.      Have your Family Doctor send a Referral to Your Sleep Doctor or Sleep Clinic

B.      The Sleep Doctor or Clinic will contact you to book an appointment with a Sleep Doctor (The appointment is usually via a phone call or virtual link)

C.      The Sleep Doctor will determine if they want you to do an overnight sleep study (This rarely happens) but will typically write you a prescription for your new CPAP, APAP or BiPAP machine based on the discussion during your phone or virtual meeting.

D.      Make sure you request the prescription to be sent to CPAP One-Stop (Or it may go to a random CPAP Retailer if you do not advise them you want it sent to CPAP One-Stop)

E.       Contact CPAP One-Stop at 905-246-9590 to book an appointment to get your new CPAP, APAP or BiPAP Machine (We can usually book appointment as early as the same day, and Guarantee the Lowest Prices on CPAP Machines anywhere in Ontario)

F.       If another Retailer contacts you for an Appointment to replace your CPAP Machine, DO NOT BOOK AN APPOINTMENT WITH THEM.  Simply give us a call, and we will contact your Sleep Doctor or Sleep Clinic on your behalf and have them forward your prescription to us.

G.      Show up to your appointment! We handle everything for you, providing you with all the education and support you need to be successful, and you leave the appointment with your Brand New CPAP, APAP or BiPAP Machine.

Clinician at CPAP One-Stop Meeting with Patient to Get a new CPAP Machine through the ADP Program in Ontario
A clinician discusses with a patient the acquisition of a new CPAP machine through Ontario's ADP program during a CPAP One-Stop meeting.


If you need to replace your CPAP machine in Ontario, the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) can help cover a portion of the cost. To qualify, you must follow a structured process to ensure eligibility and approval.

Steps to Replace Your CPAP Machine Through ADP

1. Consult Your Family Doctor First

Contact your family doctor and ask them to send a referral on your behalf to the Sleep Clinic you previously attended.  Explain to your family doctor you need to replace your CPAP, APAP or BiPAP Machine. They will send the referral on your behalf, and the Sleep Clinic should contact you once they receive the referral to explain the next steps.

2. Discuss your needs with the Sleep Clinic

The Sleep Clinic will typically schedule an appointment for you to meet with the sleep physician. The Sleep Physician will meet with you (Via a phone call or a Virtual Link such as Zoom) to discuss your Sleep Apnea and to assess your need for a replacement CPAP, APAP or BiPAP machine. The Doctor will also determine if they will require you to come in for an undated overnight sleep study or may provide a new prescription for a CPAP machine. Make sure you request that the prescription be sent to “CPAP One-Stop

For the majority of patients, most sleep physician’s do not require another sleep study. They have already diagnosed you with sleep apnea. The CPAP Machines available today have the ability to be monitored remotely, allowing you to start using your new CPAP, APAP or BiPAP devices while allowing your sleep doctor to review your therapy and make changes to your pressure settings and therapy over Cell Towers. However, the decision on if a sleep study is required is determined solely by your sleep doctor.

3. Make sure to have your doctor send your Referral for a new Machine to “CPAP One-Stop” or another ADP-Authorized Vendor

Only vendors registered with the Assistive Devices Program can provide CPAP machines under this funding. While there are many ADP-Authorized vendors available, CPAP One-Stop Guarantees the Lowest Prices on CPAP Machines anywhere in Ontario.  You can reach CPAP One-Stop at 905-246-9590.

DID YOU KNOW….. You can choose to get your CPAP, APAP or BiPAP Machine at any ADP-Approved Retailer you want? So Sleep Clinics or Sleep Doctor’s may send your referral to another retailer, but you are not obligated to purchase your machine from them.  If you want CPAP One-Stop to Provide you with your CPAP, APAP or BiPAP machine, simply call us at 905-246-9590 and let us know what Sleep Clinic or Sleep Doctor you are working with and we can reach out to them to request your prescription be forwarded to us, and we Promise to provide you with your CPAP machine, to Exceed Your Expectations and Guarantee you the Lowest Price anywhere in Ontario.

4. Visit Us And We Do Everything Else! Complete the ADP Application Form

Give us a call at 905-246-9590 to book an appointment.  We will provide you with your new machine, complete and process your ADP Application Package, monitor your compliance to provide it to your Sleep Doctor, Get all the required signatures and be there to support you for any questions or coaching throughout your CPAP, APAP or BiPAP journey. You will never be left alone, and we make sure to handle everything for you. 

Expect your appointment to take between 1-2 hours with us, and you will leave with your machine immediately upon completing your appointment.

We Stock all ADP-Approved CPAP, APAP and BiPAP Machines so you can usually get a same-day appointment and can visit us knowing you will be leaving with your machine (Many other retailers have waiting periods as they do not always have machines in stock).

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must meet ADP’s medical eligibility criteria. This will be determined when you meet with your sleep doctor.

  • Your Current CPAP, APAP or BiPAP device must be greater then 5 years old.

  • A valid prescription from an ADP-Approved sleep physician is required to be eligible to receive ADP Grant funding.

  • Your current CPAP machine must be failing, non-functional or determined to be needing replacement because of noise, intermittent power failures, or not delivering adequate therapy due to internal components not properly working and reasonable repair costs would exceed the cost of replacing the machine.


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